Today’s column from CBS Chicago …
CBS) Major League Baseball has a problem.
Check that, Major League Baseball still has a problem.
And Bud Selig & Co. needs to do all they can to actually nip it in the… well, in the bud before the problem’s latest incarnation can sprout into a weed that infests the sport and strangles its reputation.
In just the past week, we’ve seen San Francisco’s Melky Cabrera and Oakland’s Bartolo Colon both receive 50-game suspensions after tests revealed elevated testosterone levels, making the Bay area again the epicenter of PED use, same as it ever was.
On Wednesday, after Colon’s positive test came to light on, the New York Times commented that it was “a clear indication that illegal performance enhancers continue to exist as a stubborn element of the sport despite intensified efforts to eliminate their use.”
But my concern is that MLB’s “intensified efforts” may not be as intense as they could be. I worry that the sport’s wonks again want to hide the public from just how prevalent PED use may still be in baseball in the hopes of protecting its image. But if that is indeed is the case, it needs to stop – sooner rather than later.
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